Semi-Quarterly Update on All the Things

Sometimes, life gets busy, and I don’t spend time reflecting on a really thoughtful blog post to write. That’s when I put together one of these little updates. Here’s some of the things I’m up to artistically, for anyone that wanted to see what’s going on in my creative life.

I’m putting out an EP next month called Twenty-Three EP it’s a compilation of all the songs I wrote this year (i.e., my twenty-third year of life), and it includes a couple songs that haven’t been widely available (or available online at all). I’m stoked it’s launching.

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My single, “Not Ready for It,” is available now on Spotify and other streaming services (and is coming to the Apple family soon - keep your eyes out!).

Spoilers Ahead has ten episodes! The podcast I make in collaboration with Rory Delaney is going strong. We’re celebrating putting out our tenth episode and continuing to make more. We’re also expanding to include newer movies and music and books, so the more you listen, the more you’ll know about what’s out there (and of course we’re still talking about our favorites on a regular basis). Also, in part thanks to the show, I’m reading consistently and constantly looking for/listening to new music. It’s a great time.

Some stories got picked up! “Eternal” is out in The Other Journal, “Enough Water” is forthcoming in Cirque, and “Samaritan” is forthcoming in Barren Magazine. There’s some larger writing projects in the works that I can’t yet discuss in depth (for various complicated reasons), but rest assured there’s always something happening! Check out all my recent publications here.

As always, there’s a poem every week. If you missed the news, they’re also available here on my website as text alone. Also, this blog is going strong, and reading through the archives of both the Poems and the Blogs, I can tell I’m growing as a writer.

I’m working full-time at Lahaina Music. My day job involves playing guitar and ukulele all day, along with time to write and work on other projects. It’s the perfect combination of all my passions (and also, insurance is a beautiful thing). Come on by and check it out!

And, finally, I have a Patreon where you can support these creative endeavors. In short, Patreon enables me to make more art stuff and helps support the work I’m already doing. To learn more, click here.

Thanks for reading!