If you are a frequent reader/peruser of my site, you may have noticed some changes to this blog (and it's content). I'm going to do a quick run-down of what projects are active, which ones are on hiatus, and what you can expect to see in the coming months!
I have a new EP completely planned, written, and titled and will be going into the studio in December! I don't have a release date yet, but it will be coming out before the 3-year anniversary of Side Effects (for those less obsessive than myself, that means it will be out before August 2017).
I'm working on a Master's Degree in English. Lotsa reading, lotsa research, lotsa creative writing (in my case).
You may have noticed the image posters for the 200 Poems Project are still available, but the poems themselves are not. Mostly, it was for space, and because I finished my portion of the project. However, if someone joins the project and wants their work featured at some point, I am still able to add to the project.
I've started posting short poems under the tab Poem of the Week. As with the 200 Poems Project, these are mostly poems I've written incredibly recently. Feedback is much appreciated on these! It's been a lot of fun to restrict myself to the short poems this time around. Unlike the 200 Poems Project, I have no limits on what kinds of poems I'll post, but I'm currently only posting my own work (like a living resume).
There's a manuscript next to my bed. It's in the revision stage, and sooner than later I'll start shopping it around for publication.
This blog is still the blog, and I'm not planning on changing the format too much. It's one of the few places I can write whatever I want, whenever. That being said, I like writing posts for you guys, so if there is a post type you love, (or hate), let me know!
Professionally, I've been writing for Ohana Fun! Activities as one of their regular bloggers. Head over to their site if you're interested in my writing on Hawai'i, or you just like my unsolicited advice.
Would anyone be interested in reading fiction on this site? I've been considering adding that as a new post type.
There's a manuscript on my computer. It's about halfway there.
My YouTube channel is still up, and videos will remain available. I'm on a non-committal hiatus - I'll be making videos every now and then, but I just don't have enough time to make videos every week. I wish I did! That being said, there will be new videos every now and then.
More updates will be coming soon! Stay tuned.